For our third case we basically have to combine the story, animation and characters into one. We have been told to create individual scenes where our story can pan out through the environment and backgrounds we see fit.
Heavily inspired by the megaman series I have included a lot of text and black frames in my storytelling. It seems kind of dull without the classic 8-bit styled soundtrack, but hey! chill, I'm working on it.
Despite being time consuming, I think this case went well. I just kept the animating simple and fast-paced. I messed around with some different effects such as glow and blur to give the different backgrounds some debth and focus. I have used six individual scenes but only three of them include enviroment with backgrounds moving at different speeds. So, to be able to give a proper introduction to the story I felt I needed som additional scenes.
In the first scene we are introduced to the world of Super-Chillmode-Town. Consisting of five backgrounds and forgrounds the "camera" moves vertically untill we see the evil lab of dr. Nastyface. I could make the fact that the tower actually is Nastyfaces evil lab more obvious by putting a logo on it or something.
The second and third scene shows us Nastyface pushing a button, unleashing his weapon upon Super-Chillmode-Town. Instead of animating explosions for scene four, I simply used drop shadow and color adjusting to create an illusion of one big bang about to happen. I tried using the same effect towards the end of scene five and the beginning of scene six, where we are introduced to the protagonist. The animation of the protagonist are copies of movie clip symbols from case #2.
I wasn`t sure about how i would draw the pixelated shapes for the backgrounds in scene six, but figured out rectangle tool and line tool was the way to go. Its not exactly pixels but it gives the feel of somthing less detailed.